One pensive and malcontent teenager becomes angry and/or sad with their life. She desires something else, something different. She could be happy, but instead she stews in that which does not please her or exist in her current life situation. She takes all that anger and all those pent up feelings and lets it ruminate in the depths of her soul. Oftentimes, she will discuss it with a friend, hoping to drag another vulnerable teenager into the infinite inferno that is ANGST. Anyway, the feelings of ANGST will rest in the soul of the teenager, sucking the spirit out of her. But eventually the ANGST bunny disappears. Where does the ANGST bunny go? Well I'm glad you asked; let me tell you.
The ANGST bunny remains within the soul of the teenager who created it until the teenager regurgitates all that ANGST onto another unsuspecting teenager (usually a confidante or close friend-those two don't always coincide). Every angst-y feeling must be told to the receiver. EVERY PIECE OF IT! There must be no filter or politesse about it. The ANGST bunny has to spill over into another soul, filling it up with all of its dark, dark bile. Then the originator of the ANGST is free. ANGST cannot be destroyed; one can only transfer its heavy weight into the soul of another adolescent.
(Side note: I am currently angst ridden, but as I haven't said why (and the internet is not a real person) I still have my ANGST bunny gnawing away at the life force that is my soul).
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